
Mothering is a verb. It is a state of being and doing. It invites you to examine yourself with a greater sense of awareness. Awareness that is heightened. Awareness that shines a light on the shadows you once glanced over quickly and shied away from acknowledging they exist within you.

Mothering asks you to lay down your armor and soften around the edges so you can feel all that was ignored for years. It asks you to explore past versions of yourself with compassion. It invites you to tether yourself gently to your person(s). It reminds you that your nurturing and support are unconditional and not a deposit that can be withdrawn later on in life. The tether will eventually transform into an invisible string that stays connected through the practice of holding space and offering love with no expectations of reciprocation.

Mothering is a choice that one embarks on with the hope of paving a brighter future for all to benefit from and a glimpse of promising yourself that you gave it your all.


A Guiding Light


Rising Within Yourself