You become strong by doing the things you need to be strong for.

— Audre Lorde

Inhale ease.

Exhale tension.

Bring the holistic practice of yoga into your workplace with a trusted yoga practitioner.

As someone who currently works in a fast paced environment herself, Kirtana understands the daily stressors impacting employees’ physical and emotional well-being and countering those stressors with intentional and impactful mindfulness and movement practices to bring a greater sense of calm and ease.

Bringing yoga into your workplace has shown to reduce employees’ stress levels, improve their mental clarity and energy levels, and increase their creativity and problem-solving skills. Practicing yoga together can build stronger relationships within your workplace, improve communication skills, and foster a greater sense of community and camaraderie in your workplace.

Ready to bring yoga into your workplace?

What Employees Are Saying About Yoga With Kirtana

“The [Chair] yoga session was great [with Kirtana]! I had the opportunity to stretch while sitting peacefully at my desk.”

- Employee at U.S. Legal Support

“[Your yoga and wellness class] was a great reminder to stay present and take a moment to breathe.”

- Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Chicago Intern

“Her voice is so relaxing and her music was very calming.”

- Employee at U.S. Legal Support


- ACC Chicago Intern

“Your [yoga and wellness class] was terrific! I especially loved the discussion about all of the aspects of wellness!”

- David S., ACC Chicago Chapter Board of Directors, Diversity Law Student Summer Internship Program Committee

“The music and the explanations on how to [practice Chair Yoga] were great.”

- Employee at U.S. Legal Support

“Thank you! [Your yoga and wellness class] was excellent!”

- ACC Chicago Intern