Cultivating Curiosity

The practice of yoga offers us the opportunity to observe ourselves, acknowledge what comes up for us with compassion and grace, explore our inner landscape (should we feel ready to do so), and slowly catalyze change within ourselves. In doing so, we can not only be a vehicle for change in our own life, but also in the lives of others and our communities.

In sharing my thoughts below, my hope is to cultivate a sense of curiosity within you so you can take the first step in your yoga practice where you are today.

The Power Of One
Kirtana Kalavapudi Kirtana Kalavapudi

The Power Of One

Recently, I have been reflecting on the power of one. One thought. One feeling. One moment. One person. One event. One life.

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Spilled Tea
Kirtana Kalavapudi Kirtana Kalavapudi

Spilled Tea

Spilled tea can make for a mindful moment.

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