Growth isn’t linear.

Three years ago, we planted three similarly sized hosta plants in our yard on the same day. Watching them come back every year has been such a wonderful experience. This year, I noticed that two of the three hosta plants sprouted leaves around the same time in early April yet the other hosta plant showed no signs of life. No signs of readiness to sprout leaves like its two neighbors.

I began to wonder if this particular hosta plant had died during the mild Winter season we had in Maryland. What could I do to help it sprout? I didn’t want it to fall “behind.” Hearing that word in my mind, I paused for a moment. What does “behind” even mean to this hosta plant? Does this hosta plant even know that it is “behind”? The answer is “No.” I then asked myself why I wanted this hosta plant to sprout on the same timeline as its two neighbors. Was it because I sought uniformity of plant sizes in my garden? Perhaps? Was it because I wanted to rush in and address the “problem” or replace the plant since it may be dead? Perhaps?

In pausing and asking myself these questions, I started to notice that I was judging this hosta plant (“Oof, why is this hosta plant behind?) for not doing what it was supposed to do. In noticing my action, I began to slowly let go of the judgment and began to accept that this hosta plant was growing on its own timeline this year (“Okay my dear, continue as you are until you are ready to sprout.). I then decided that I was not going to rush in and save it. I was going to wait. I was going to continue watering it and give it my care and attention similar to all of the other plants in my garden. After a few weeks, I noticed that this particular hosta plant slowly started to sprout new leaves.

Yoga reminds us that our growth isn’t linear. Even if we started in the same place as others (or didn’t), our growth will look different from those around us. We may take longer pauses between seasons to adjust to changes, nourish ourselves from within, or to rest in stillness. We may not say “Yes” to every new thing that comes our way simply because others are doing the same. We may revel in the quiet moments for a bit longer. We may choose wisely where, with whom, and for how long we want to invest our time and energy. We may simply choose to be in this season rather than do. Or if we choose to do, we will take our time and go at our own pace. Doing so does not mean that we are “behind” anyone, including a prior version of ourselves. Doing so reminds us to embrace and honor ourselves in the present moment.

This is yoga, my friends.

#yoga #eightlimbsofyoga #growthisnotlinear #asteya #embracethepresentmoment #thereisnofallingbehind #pasadenamd #pasadenasmallbusiness


Spilled Tea