Spilled Tea

In the past few weeks, I have been spilling my morning tea for no other reason than filling it to the brim of the tea cup and rushing to the next task. While the mess is easy to clean up, I took a few moments to ask myself the why behind these two actions.

Filling it to the brim of the tea cup means that I can drink more in one sitting. Does drinking more in one sitting make me feel happier, more awake, productive, etc.? Does the tea taste better when there is more of it? Why do I want more? Why do I want as much as the tea cup can hold? Why am I rushing to the next task with my tea cup in hand?

In the eight limbed path of yoga, the first limb is Yamas (moral restraints). There are five Yamas: ahimsa (non-harm), satya (truth), brahmacharya (moderation), asteya (non-stealing), and aparigraha (loosening our grip/detachment). In reflecting on my actions, I noticed that I was steering away from the practice of asteya. Asteya invites us to ask ourselves whether we are stealing from ourselves or others or gathering more than we need in our day-to-day. Such acts derive from a desire or want to have more than we need because we feel there is a “lack of” or “not enough of” something in our lives.

In recognizing this, I paused and reminded myself that I do not need to fill my tea cup to the brim for it to be more enjoyable. I have enough to fill my cup halfway or three-fourths and savor each sip. And if necessary, I can decide on whether I need a second cup. I also do not need to rush to the next task and steal from myself the gift of presence: the simple yet therapeutic act of enjoying a warm beverage. When we start to pause, reflect on our actions, and inquire with curiosity, we create space for ourselves, physically and emotionally, to determine what we truly need to feel enough.

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Obstacles & Understanding Your Capacity


Growth isn’t linear.