The grass is green where you are.

Recently in my meditation practice, I heard the phrase, “The grass is green where you choose to water it.” What a powerful reminder to choose your present moment instead of chasing the next “best” thing.

As I start off a new month, I find myself reflecting on the following questions:

  • What encourages me to stay where I am?

  • In making that choice, how does it feel in my body and mind?

  • Do the people around me offer a greater sense of ease? Do they encourage the practice of self-awareness or self-reflection?

  • How can I continue to impact those around me?

  • How can I continue to show up authentically and encourage others to do the same?

In reflecting on these questions, I realize that I can take my time in answering them and continue watering the seeds planted beneath my feet. In doing so, I can witness their growth and learn the many lessons that will slowly unfold in the present moment.


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