Loosening Your Grip

As the year unfolds, I am feeling at ease with not having concrete plans for myself this year. Plans that no longer have a tight hold around me or vice versa. Plans that can either be paused for the moment or transformed into something else that allows me to move towards something unknown.

An unknown that reminds me that I can navigate the twists, turns, and even dead ends. An unknown that reveals valuable lessons of acceptance, patience, and strength. An unknown that allows me to embark on a path that feels steady under my feet because I am anchored in my breath, my body, and my mind. An unknown that unfolds at a pace that oscillates between comfort and discomfort as I continue to discover my capacity for finding my middle ground amidst it all.

In reflecting on the above, I recognize that loosening my grip on my plans and embracing the unknown can guide me closer to the practice of staying present in what is instead of holding tight to what will be or needs to be moving forward.


Embracing the Unknown


The grass is green where you are.