Embracing the Unknown

Embracing the unknown is a sign of strength, not weakness.

It allows you to open up to new ideas, different perspectives, courageous experiences, and a sense of belonging in yourself.

You start to dig a bit deeper into yourself. You are no longer afraid to peel back the layers and uncover what has been hidden for so long.

You start to create space for what comes up for you with compassion and understanding. You eventually let go of expectations of yourself as well as others and learn to practice acceptance of what is.

You start to recognize that your intuition can be your guide, your compass. Doing so allows you to navigate challenges with a perspective of curiosity and wonder rather than worry or resistance.

You cultivate a completely newfound sense of courage and strength that are unwavering no matter the speed of the headwinds blowing in your direction.

You step into yourself and your power like never before.

This is yoga, my friend.




Loosening Your Grip