Offering Oneself Grace

As we continue to settle into a new month, you may be pursuing a professional goal or personal best.

It may be natural put a lot of pressure on yourself to get it on the first try or get it “100 percent correct". It may also be common to compare your progress to those of your peers or what you see on social media and rush the process to achieve that professional goal or personal best.

Before you press forward with your professional goal or personal best, I invite you to:

  • Go at your own pace.

  • Embrace the peaks and valleys of the process.

  • Release your grip on the need to achieve.

  • Lean into the process of learning more about yourself.

  • Offer yourself grace when things don’t go as you expected or planned.

  • Remind yourself that you are doing your best.

In doing so, may you feel more empowered and embodied in the pursuit of your professional goal or personal best.


The Practice of Stillness


Deep Breaths